“Tawana Is someone I’ve worked with for seven years, she does so much for our school I don’t know what we do without her. She is run the ALC For a junior high and high school for several years. This year she’s been placed in a situation where she’s running it for K-12! We have many kids to go in there and most of them are behavioral problems, it’s very difficult to have those grades mixed together but she’s doing it and she’s doing it with grace and love for our students, because of a lack of staff. She also is the coach for a junior high girls volleyball, our junior high and Cheerleading, she runs our food pantry every week after school, it is in charge of our power packs, Coordinating them and dispersing them every week to our children in need. She is a vital part of our school and someone I can look up to. She’s been there many years. She deserves a Shout Out!”
- Shouted out by Kathy Halsey, Paraprofessional, Oyler School