“On the last day on in-school learning, on arrival at home, a young student was having a meltdown, anxious about upcoming remote schooling. His mother texted Mary Beth Hill relaying the situation. Per Mom, Mary Beth said, ‘Put him on a meet. I’m here now. He has the code.’ She held a meet with him for half an hour. Let him talk. And he came downstairs beaming with a plan for the next two weeks in his head. Mom stated that all the teachers at Dater Montessori Elementary are awesome. Mary Beth took the time to address this because she values the student, and the family. This child is unique, as is everyone, a multi-faceted child in our diverse community.
She knows him and met the challenge beautifully based on what she knows about this little individual. She innovatively helped this child to adapt to a changing learning situation, calming him and making him feel confident that the future remote learning period would go well for him. She encouraged him to do his best and gave him the tools to achieve that. These times are affecting the dynamics of our families and each student, and I cannot express enough how important a kind and generous and smart action like this relieves some of the stress and replaces it with gratitude and a feeling of having been uplifted. Thank you, Mary Beth.”
- Shouted out by Marie Cipriani, Sr. Support Specialist II, Talent Employee Effectiveness & Dev.