“Amy has managed to create documents for ALL reading specialist making out jobs easier with all that we have to turn in and do. As a new reading specialist, she has fielded questions, offered links, shared forms and been active in training classes, providing me a wonderful mentor and amazing amount of support. She is knowledgeable and will share anything with anyone if she thinks it will help them be better able to serve students. She wants all of us to succeed as reading specialists and is so kind, even when you call/email in the middle of the day and know that she has her own caseload. She has cared about our students and the reading specialists, she has collaborated with others to provide materials and documents, she is committed to all of us being successful and she continuously tries to help us improve by offering insights during trainings and assisting with the new Acadience Online roll out. Thank you so much, Amy!”
- Shouted out by Robin Thierauf, Kâ1 Reading Specialist, Dater Montessori